Sunday 6 December 2015

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream -Recipe

So who doesn't love ice cream? Even lactose intolerant kids love ice cream! To have delicious ice cream one does not have to go to some super-expensive ice cream parlour. Let me give you a way to make supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ice cream at home:

Here's what you'll need:-
  • Half a litre of sweetened condensed milk. (For health reasons, you can sweeten it using Sugar Free Natura)
  • Whipped cream
  • 1 tube of pure vanilla
  • Diced/Chopped chocolate pieces (Milk chocolate will do, but dark chocolate will be preferably). You can use a food processor to to break a bar of chocolate into chunks.
  • salt

And here's what you do:-
  1. Mix the condensed milk, the vanilla, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Whip the cream until thick peaks appear on the surface.
  3. Add the mixture of milk, vanilla and salt to the whipped cream and properly mix them then add the pieces of chocolate. 
  4. Pour the mixture into a plastic container, put a tight lid on it, and let the mixture freeze for an entire night.
  5. Eat, Share and Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You have used two of my favorite food items in your recipe. Chocolate and Ice Cream. I looovvveee this recipe. Awesome recipe. Great job. Looks so delicious. So amazing. Wowww!!
    Well Done. All the best for the contest.
    :) :) :)

    My entry:-


